Camden-Boone Unlimited Coat Racks - Wall
You get the most bang for your buck with these. Camden-Boone's Wall Coat Racks with Shelves deliver Unlimited Size. Capacity is limited only by the amount of wall space you can dedicate to them.
A feature of this type of coat rack is that some of these units can be cut to exact lengths, down to eighth inches. If you have a wall which is 27' 8-3/8" long that you want to fill, you can get a wall mounted coat rack custom-cut at the factory to that length.
The shelf provides overhead storage for things that don't fit on hangers or hooks. The units can come with single or double shelves. You can even provide another wall-mounted shelf below for storage of footwear, if need be. After all, you're dedicating a wall, you may as well get all the utility you can out of that space.
These units are available with either coat hanger rods or coat hooks.
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Camden-Boone Wood Coat Racks - 102 Series
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Camden-Boone Wood Coat Racks - 105 Series
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Camden-Boone Metal Coat Racks - 107 Series
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