9000CSA Series
Glaro 9000CSA series coat racks provide a single four-tube shelf and 3 sets of coat hook strips. These coat hook strips have 4 hooks per foot of strip which means you get a total of 12 coat hooks per foot of wall space. Out of all Glaro's racks, this one gives you the most hanging space.
Glaro wall-mounted coat racks are available in 24, 30, and 36 inch modular sections that can stand alone or serve as modules to make your racks as wide as you need. Below, you'll find units priced up to 8' wide. If you need your coat racks to be wider, please let us know and we'll be glad to give you a quote.
The SA stands for Satin Aluminum finish. A clear powder coat finish is added for extra durability.
If you'd prefer to have a coat hanger rod rather than all coat hooks, we offer the complete line of Glaro wall-mounted coat racks. For instance, if you like the idea of a coat hook strip but also want a coat hanger rod, you may find the 8000CSA series to be a better match. It retains the coat hook strip in back but removes the front hook strip in favor of a hanger rod.