Peter Pepper MeetUp Dry Erase Whiteboards
Don't be limited to the conference room when inspiration strikes. Peter Pepper's MeetUp wall-mounted dry erase whiteboards are for oft-inspired minimalists.
The wall-mounted MeetUps seem to float off the wall with frameless thin edges and an integral curved pen rail. MeetUps are produced in four sizes so you can always have one nearby to fit the space available, and of course, they can be mounted side-by-side in a continuous row if your ideas are too big for only one whiteboard.
If wall-mounted whiteboards are too restrained for your style, the MeetUp Easel takes a more active approach. Peter Pepper's MeetUp Easel is a mobile double-sided dry erase whiteboard. It was designed to be where you need it when you need it. The board itself is a single piece of steel that wraps across the top from one side to the other, providing twice the illustration space of ordinary easels. This rides a frame with four locking 3" casters and plenty of storage space. You can even store your own seating with the Grab Stools.
No matter which MeetUps your ideas demand, the steel writing surfaces are always covered with a premium polyurethane powder coat finish to provide a very smooth but very tough surface that permits the use of magnetic accessories.